WENZEL offers a comprehensive range of Renishaw probes for scanning, which capture many hundreds of surface points per second. In this way, shapes as well as size and position can be measured. It is also possible to record individual measurement points, similar to switching test probes. Renishaw offers probe solutions for all sizes and types of coordinate measuring machines.
With scanning probes, the shape and profile of prismatic or complex workpieces can be detected very quickly. While “switching measurement” only measures individual points, scanning records a wide range of data and thus provides much more precise information about the shape and shape of the feature or workpiece. Scanning is therefore used wherever complex freeform geometries are reproduced or where dimensional accuracy or complex surfaces must be within certain tolerances.
Scanning requires a fundamentally different approach to sensor design, coordinate measuring machine control, and data analysis. The innovative design of the scanning probes (no motors, no clamping mechanisms) offers exceptionally dynamic behavior and thus enables optimum scanning performance, even at high speeds. The separate optical measurement data collection ensures independent recording of probe insert deflections for greater accuracy.