As an open interface standard, OPC UA is a central requirement for the successful introduction of Industry 4.0 into production. OPC UA ensures the interoperability of machines and systems, which can be linked and redesigned as required via plug & work — platform-independent and cross-manufacturer.
In order to make this vision a reality, the VDMA together with its member companies, including WENZEL, industry-specific OPC UA Companion Specifications, thus creating a global language of production.
We asked Prof. Dr. Heiko WENZEL (Chief Digital Officer) three questions about this topic.
Mr. Wenzel, what specific benefits do you expect for your customers by integrating OPC UA into your measurement solutions?
The aim is for the introduction of OPC UA to significantly facilitate the daily work of our customers. With the uniform language and standardized communication protocols, we want to enable our measurement solutions to easily interact with various machines and systems. This ensures more efficient data integration and makes it easier, for example, to diagnose faults and maintain the systems.
What are the benefits of introducing OPC UA as a common standard for integrating measuring devices into the production line and real-time monitoring?
By using OPC UA as a common standard, various measuring devices and systems, for example, can be seamlessly integrated into the production line. This enables automated monitoring, control and calibration of measurement systems in real time.
This allows you to react quickly to any deviations or problems. For example, statistical analyses can be used to identify trends or patterns in the data and derive insights from them to optimize manufacturing processes.
Another advantage is that possible errors or faults are identified at an early stage. As a result of improved monitoring and diagnostics, maintenance work can be planned and carried out in a targeted manner, which results in reduced downtime of the systems.
Measurement technology plays a major role in Industry 4.0. There will be a presentation from you discussing the topic — also with a view to open networking via OPC UA and the umati* interface. Why does it work?
My presentation “Digital twin in quality assurance: the integration of measurement and manufacturing technology” is about how the digitalization of measurement and manufacturing technology simplifies process monitoring and analysis of product quality. Using practical examples, realistic expectations and current limits of trends such as PMI, closed loop, AI and, of course, OPC UA are shown.
As a member of OPC UA working group WENZEL was actively involved in the development of the specification. The presentation provides information on the latest standards and solutions that facilitate the integration of machines and devices and further promote interoperability in production.
*Umati (Universal Machine Technology Interface) is a community of the mechanical engineering industry and its customers to promote and disseminate open, standardized interfaces based on OPC UA.
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